Room Box Soft Bedroom
A room box crafted entirely from scratch using wood and foam. The walls are painted and externally covered with decorated fabric. On the left side, there's a window allowing light in, adorned with a soft and light fabric curtain. The base of the room box features walnut wood parquet. The linden wood wardrobe (crafted entirely from scratch) has three opening doors and three real drawers. The simple linden wood bed has real slats, a padded mattress, a handmade quilt, and a hand-sewn bedsheet. The handmade pillows are specifically created for this bed, and none of these elements are glued, allowing for customizable arrangements. On the wall, there's a watercolor painting done by me and framed. Small accessories complete the room.
Unique one-of-a-kind pieces, not repeatable. 1:12 scale.